YouTuber Deji faces backlash and potential #cancelculture
Deji Olatunji faces backlash after an old video intro “resurfaces”.
I really don’t care about Deji. I only know him through those bombastic pissing contests between him and Logan Paul before their on demand fight. The low IQ high T energy really made for some decent laughs. But is Deji really worth being canceled? All for a video intro?
Cancel culture and the need to vet every person’s past life is not helpful to society. But Twitter is not society, it’s a fraction of society that loves to castigate anyone who has ever made a mistake. #(insertnamehere)isoverparty is really just that, a party. It brings everyone together at the expense of someone who made a joke such as Camila Cabello, who posted edgy humor on her Tumbler when she was 15.
The video
So yeah, it’s bad. I laughed at how cringe it was. Please don’t cancel me. It’s not a funny concept, it’s just a really bad intro. But did he commit a crime? No. He made a bad joke. He’s not calling for violence or assault on women. He stopped using the video intro years ago.
Surprising the “backlash” has not been too bad for Deji, but we’ll see what Keemstar can cook up. The responses have generally been in favor of the dark comedy and of Deji in general. Some people seemed to assume Keemstar himself was offended. The video is surprising and cringe, a little random even. But hey, to each their own.
We’ll keep an eye out for Deji and see if any the Twitter mob come in at full force.