Red Pill explained


Red pill is a phrasage that’s been around since The Wachowski’s debut of The Matrix. "After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth.”

I don’t have to explain the quote, we all know the movie, unless you’re one of the older boomers, in which case, go read The New Yorker or something. Seriously, you won’t get this shit, it’s too complex for your old smooth brains. Go blame violence on video games or something, we’ve got an article to write.

Red pilling has become a culture phrasage for someone learning ‘the truth’ about something, namely the dynamics between men and women. Being red pilled also sees usage in the political sphere as well. Laci Green, a sex positive feminist, popular for sexual awareness videos and tutorials announced she was “being red pilled”. She didn’t fully jump the feminist ship but stated she “was open to ideas from anti-feminists” and saw valid arguments she had not before. This is kind of old news now but it’s still a good example of “red pilling”. I’ll stop with the quotations, just know that I don’t subscribe to any beliefs stated in this article, unless I explicitly say that I believe that” Okay, one more quote.

People in the MRM community (Men’s Rights Movement) and the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) community use this phrasage all the time. On youtube alone, the second most used search engine, there are about 49,000 searches per month containing the words red pill. Searching for channel names containing red pill will almost crash your computer.

MRM is mostly about men’s rights and legal biases against men in court. Believe what you will, it’s one of those topics that if you believe it you do and if you don’t you don’t. They are pretty vilified, which sucks. They probably are doing some positive stuff but they’re a pretty boring and angry bunch so we won’t spend much time on them here.


It’s a community of men who believe that society has raised men to be effeminate and to be losers. A generation of men raised by women, sounds kinda fight club-y huh? They also believe men are so ensconsed in being told their are the oppressors, it has made them flacid and beta. Video games and porn have made men lose their sexual drive, they tend to claim (mgtow has generally accepted beliefs, but it changes per individual) porn and video games make men weak and complacent, that men have lost what it means to be men; where men used to go out and build a house, they are doing it now in Minecraft. MGTOW is for men going their own way, choosing to live life without women. It’s not always a whole abstinence, it means to abstain from dating long term and marriage, and that there is no “one woman” out there.

Women are not defined as evil by some of the well known red pillers (Sandman, other red pill youtubers) but that they have desires which are hypocritcal. A study often brought up is the one on dating websites which show women online rarely go after men who are below them in general attractive level, in fact they tend to only go for what is above them in attractive level Men on the other hand would seek women above and below them in attractiveness. This can be read two ways: women have more standards and men are just hornier, or that women overinflate their ego and men are less picky.

Mgtow also claims women do not behave as they say. That is, a woman might say she likes a #niceguy but she’ll end up taking a Chad home instead. Women like the alpha male in all his confidence, they believe. So they instruct men how to behave. The red pill youtubers tell young and older men to work out, work for themselves, get laid, have standards for themselves, and to improve themselves.

On the blue pill: MGTOW believes that the blue pillers use sex as a magical happiness solution. That needing a woman and needing sex for happiness makes you sadder in the long run.


The belief that women are evolutionarily disposesed to have one male around until a better male arises. The qualifier for what is better is based upon ability to reproduce (stronger, more brutish alpha) or more financially stable, someone richer. The belief is that society as a whole has become hypergamous. That men are disposable, because a woman can get government hand outs and use the legal system to force the man into paying for her lifestyle. Again, just explaining the theories.

Some are a little more jaded. You can find this video which makes the assertion that “women don’t care about you”. Women don’t care about how much you care for them, they only care about seeking what is the best for them at the time. They will move on, according to The33secrets, as soon as they find the man not fit, or someone more fit comes along.

The criticisms

There’s plenty of criticisms on red pilling. Often times it’s on the more extreme views, which in turn is used to swathe the entirety.

A critique of the red pilling community is it’s toxicity. What red pillers consider ‘the truth’ some consider anti-woman. Critics say this community is speaking on the behalf of women. This can be seen in certain views expressed by Rollo Tomassi, the author of The Rational Male, a book for men on realizing how men interact with women. One example is with the definition of the “orbiter”. A woman will have men in her life she has no intention of dating. She keeps these men in her web by keeping the possibility of a relationship open, if just an iota of chance. She does this, the book claims, to keep her options open and to give her attention when she does not have a suitor. A man will enter a relationship and lose contact with many female friends, but a woman is allowed to keep her orbiters. This stance seems to speak for a woman. Some women might do this, but we obviously cannot speak for all women who have male friends.

Pick up artistry is prevalent in this community, often practicing theory which might disturb some women it’s being done on. It becomes formulaic and more of a mind game to get laid, rather than a genuine experience. But that’s apart of some subsets of red pilling, women are for sex. Some might say it fulfills the needs of men to practice this so they can live in confidence knowing they are capable of scoring.

Wrap up

Whether you find what red pillers have to say to have validity or don’t, it’s all the same. People just want to get laid. Some do it easier than others. Some need advice. Sometimes the advice is shit and leads to some shady behavior. But hey, it’s definitly worth a dive if you’re up for it. Go do some research.

By Ted M. Iverson

Derek Smith